Sunday, February 17, 2013

The title of this blog came from a conversation with my youngest son last week. He and I were at Walmart on a grocery run, and as often happens, we walked out of the store when the setting sun was right at eye level. Blinded as I was, I said, "Ugh! That sun is so bright! I can't even see where I'm going!" His response was, "I'm ok, Momma. All I have to do is look at your feet and follow you." Wow! How the Lord can speak to us through our kids! Paul says to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 11:1, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." If we are a Christian, that is our role-not just with our kids, but with everyone. We are to follow Christ to the best of our ability so that the people who are following behind us have the right example. And when we fall, which we will, we must take responsibility and make amends in a Bibical, God-honoring way. They need to know that, while we may fail, God never does. He is always right, He is always holy, and He is always in the redemption business. That is a tall order. Following Jesus isn't easy. He never said it would be. But it is worth it. And you never know who is behind you, watching your feet as you walk, sometimes uncertainly, sometimes with questions of what is ahead, but always with your eyes on the Son.

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